The effluent treatment plants are designed to treat the effluent coming from different areas of the plant. The treatment of different effluents varies with the type of effluent. Water effluent treatment systems are designed to treat effluent. The water from the production area is collected in common collection sump from where water is pumped through the plate interceptor.
Our effluent treatment plant consists of three stages namely primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment. The effluent water is passed through various processes such as chemical dosing, aeration, and settling. The final treatment filtration cum absorption takes place by filters. Finally, the processed water goes for advance treatment to common effluent treatment plant viz M/s. Enviro Technology Limited, Ankleshwar, Gujarat.
So this treatment of waste water i.e. untreated effluent is turned into Treated Effluent with the help of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) sometimes it is also called as Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). Clean water then is safely discharged into Environment.